Enable/Disable the network performance graph
- Join the server as spectator or as a player.
- Open the console of BF4
- Key:
- Enabling the graph:
NetworkPerfOverlay.DrawGraph 1
- Disabling the graph:
NetworkPerfOverlay.DrawGraph 0
How to check the performance
The serverTick defines how long it takes for the server to calculate a tick. The maximum time for a tick is defined by the formula:maxTickTime = 1000ms / tickRate
Therefore, the maximum tick times for BF4 servers are:
- 30Hz: 33.33ms
- 45Hz: 22.22ms
- 60Hz: 16.67ms
Please record lags
Please record lags with the graph. We need proof for lags and the exact time. Otherwise, it is really difficult to fix lags.