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BovemSapienti started the topic Bovem's new application in the forum Admin Applications 7 years, 6 months ago
Since I have now changed my username on this website and ID on Origin (which also changed my name on Battlelog) I decided to make a new application. Apparently my previous name wasn’t found in the database but I played once at the same time with the owner of this clan so I decided to give the application another try. I’m aware of the recent problems with admins. I read the chat that some admins may have banned an innocent player so the owner of this clan had to unban that player because of no solid proof. I have read some of the new policy and it’s pretty obvious that you need video proof and such. Not just banning as soon you have the power. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I understand your annoyance to recruit new admins but I guarantee that I’m mature (almost too mature which makes me boring) and I always bring proof when I’m banning someone. I got 3 people banned from the Euro Truck Simulator 2 multiplayer mod TruckersMP thanks to video proof and their ID.
Now to the information about myself:
Your Battlelog username: Same as here: BovemSapienti. It’s not a full name, in fact it’s a username with two words in Latin. If you are wondering why they mean, Bovem means ox or Taurus in Latin, which is my zodiac sign, and Sapienti means “the wise” in Latin. Technically “The wise ox” and the reason why behind that name is because that’s what I am: a wise ox. 😀
For how long have you been playing Battlefield games? Like I said in the previous application, I have been playing Battlefield for years. Those years were on console though but I have now played Battlefield on PC for like a month. I have played Battlefield games like Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, etc. And I’m so going nerd Battlefield 1 when it comes out on Origin Access.
Have you ever been an admin on any other BF3/4 servers? Nope. I have tried with several applications on other forums with no luck. Even if I have the competence that is required to be an admin. I may seem desperate but that’s because I know I will be a good admin and I want to give it a try.
How often do you play on E4GL servers? I usually play quite a lot on the servers, due to its anti-cheat protection, popularity, good maps, etc. I haven’t played that much recently though because I also want to try other game modes and maps. And because I recently installed new games. 🙂
On which E4GL servers do you play? The Hainan 64 slots server. Like I said it’s a good server and Hainan is one of my favorite maps.
Why are you applying for an admin rank? To keep up the peace on the servers. A few weeks ago I played on a Russian server which clearly had a cheater on it because he was floating up high in the air and literally aimbotted. It said on the scoreboard that he had 2 deaths but that was completely false because no one could kill him. And as soon someone said something in the chat he auto spammed with messages, something like to subscribe to his YouTube channel and that he was streaming live. Such bullcrap. And I don’t think any admin was online because no-one did anything. He disappeared for a while from the server but then he joined again and this time he was on our team.
So that’s one reason why I want to become an admin, because I don’t want that to happen to these servers. Even if they have anti-cheat like FairFight it’s still possible to bypass them. And I’m at my PC almost all the time so I can be active quite long on the server. Another reason why I want to become an admin is because of the incompetence of the other admins, if I read your messages in the chat correctly. Right should be right you know.
I probably can figure out more answers to these questions but I don’t want the application to be too long so I’m going to end it right here. Have a nice day! 😀